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Meet RDAP: The New, Secure Way to Access Domain Info

The Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) is a new internet protocol designed to provide a more secure and standardized way to access domain name registration information. It is gradually replacing the traditional WHOIS protocol, which has been a cornerstone of domain information retrieval since the early days of the internet.

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Cyber Europe 2024

The largest European Cyber exercise is back this year for its 7th edition! The 2-days event will take place in June tackling the resilience of our Energy sector, and challenging thousands of players acting closely with cybersecurity.

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CENTR with the new board of directors

The head of, Barbara Povše, has completed her four-year term as president of the board of directors of the CENTR.

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Safe and reliable: Business continuity exercises of .si

TTX (Tabletop Exercise) is a crisis management exercise. Members of the organization act out a response to a certain event, incident or information security threat. This is a way to check and improve the organization’s readiness for potential security incidents.

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CENTR Chair Report

The head od and Chair of Centr, Barbara Povše, wraped the year 2023 and pointed to the challenges of European national registries for top-level domains in the following years.

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Taking cybersecurity to the top level

Almost 90 people participated in the first annual conference of the newly launched European TLD ISAC in Brussels. Under the motto “taking cybersecurity to the top level”, the programme featured an impressive line-up of expert speakers from the cybersecurity realm.

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We’re extremely pleased with the success of our latest audit, which sees us retain certification against the internationally-recognised ISO 27001 for Information Security Management.

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First Top-Level Domain ISAC goes live!

With the launch of its website, the work of the first European top-level domain Information Sharing and Analysis Center (EUR TLD ISAC) has officially kicked off. The European TLD ISAC aims to strengthen cybersecurity capabilities and resilience and fosters collaboration among top-level domain operators across Europe.

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What does do?

We provide domain registration under .si ccTLD and manage top-level DNS server for .si ccTLD.

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Maj goes to a birthday party

Maj, who works at, is going to a birthday party today. He is an expert in DNS, DNSSec, FTP, SCP, IDP, HSP, PGP, RDAP, LACP …

And how does he explain to the nice lady what his job is? Do you think all “geeks” are shy?

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How did Peter register a .si domain in 1998?

We are transported back to 1998, when a domain name could only be the full or abbreviated registered name of an organisation, when .si registration documents travelled from office to office, and when you waited for days to be approved!

What bureaucratic hurdles did Peter have to overcome to become a .si domain holder?

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Price increase for .si domain names

At .si registry we have long resisted price increases for domain registration and renewal. From 2005 to 2015 the price for registration and renewal was 10 EUR, and from 2015 onwards it was 8 EUR.

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36th CENTR Marketing workshop in Ljubljana

At the end of October, the .si Registry hosted the Marketing Section of the Association of European Registries – CENTR in Ljubljana

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Higher level of protection for geographical indications in the EU

Geographical indications will soon get a new level of protection at EU level. Two regulations which should additionally unify the regulation of geographical indications in the EU are being adopted – for wine, spirit drinks and agricultural products and the other for craft and industrial products.

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Updated General Terms and Conditions

New General Terms and Conditions for the registration of .si domains are in effect since 27 September 2022.

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Trademarks, geographical indications and internet domains

Trademarks, geographical indications and internet domains are three separate rights, but due to their similar use on the internet, they are often interconnected and therefore easily confused. Trademarks and geographical indication designate the origin of the goods or services and the connection between these goods/services and a specific provider. A domain can also have the same function.

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Studies on DNS Abuse – reality check or industry incentive?

In July 2022 the Interisle Consulting Group published their annual study on the prevalence of phishing attacks. Interisle, a private consulting firm consisting of industry experts, some of which have held positions at ICANN, analysed over three million phishing reports from 1 May 2021 to 30 April 2022 from multiple intelligence providers, but also took into account data from 2020 to create an biennial overview of phishing attacks – fraudulent practices of sending emails or setting up websites purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce internet users to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers.

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Reception at the Presidential Palace

On Wednesday, March 30, 2022, Registry .si staff and guests were received at the Presidential Palace by the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr. Borut Pahor.

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ISO/EIC 27001:2013 Certification

The Registry .si recently obtained the ISO27001 certificate – one of the most recognizable standards relating to information security, which provides requirements for the Information Security Management System (ISMS). The certificate attests that the Registry .si is proficient in protecting user data, reducing risk exposure and promoting a culture of information security. We talked with Barbara Povše Golob, Head of the Registry .si, who has presented the challenges we faced in the certification process.

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Klara Herman, Communications and Public Relations

I joined at the end of 2020 when the COVID-19 epidemic was at its peak. Even though I have been employed at Arnes for more than 15 years, taking on new work tasks, getting to know new colleagues and adjusting to team dynamics felt challenging

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InterNetX interview with Barbara Povše Golob

Head of Barbara Povše Golob was interviewed by InterNetX about the state of domain industry in Europe.

More … has prepared strategic guidelines for the next five years.

The strategic goals is a cornerstone document on goals, values ​​and development of

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Updated Domain name dispute resolution and General terms and conditions

The revised ARDS Rules of Procedure and General T&C will enter into force on the 1 February 2021, until then the currently valid documents remain in force.

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At some point, you simply need to trust

Information Security Administrator at the Registry, Zala Primožič

Already during my studies at the Faculty of Security Sciences, where we focused mainly on police work, criminology, criminology and criminal law, I also became interested in information technology. So, I started thinking about upgrading my security skills with information security and computing skills, and maybe merging those areas someday.

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My constant goal is: to manufacture something, to create something

Andrej Bagon, technical engineer at Registry .si

I have been interested in computer science since I was a child. We had a printing house at home and around ’85 the first computers started to appear in our office. If I remember correctly, my father was the first in our area to have a 286 – this meant Windows 3.0, CorelDraw 2.0 and a dot matrix printer. This caught my attention and it was in this way that I came across first text programming languages ​​- Basic and Pascal.

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Teamwork is key

I got into programming by accident. In fact, when I went to high school, I said I would never enroll in a college where there is a lot of math and physics. But it turned out quite differently.

Klavdija Piskule Smolnikar, software developer at the .si Registry

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More registrations of .si domain names in bad faith during Covid-19?

Political, economic and social conditions affect the users’ choice of domain names, how many they register and for what purposes.

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Registration of Domain Names in contrary to Law, Public order or Morality

The General Terms and Conditions for Domain Name Registration under .si TLD stipulate that the user may not register a domain that is contrary to law, public policy or morals (see item 8. 1. 4.).

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How can Registry .si help prevent abuse of .si domain names? aims to ensure stable, safe and reliable operations of the national .si domain. The General Terms and Conditions for Domain Name Registration Under .si TLD (GTC) stipulate that the holder may not register a domain name that is contrary to the law, public order and morals.

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“Things have to be done – there is no room for error here”

I am a mathematician by education. Before I started working at Arnes, I taught at the High School of Power Engineering in the early 1990s. But somehow it turned out that this was not a job where I would see myself in the long run.

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Domain holder data of the .si top-level domains needs to be accurate, complete and current

Domain holder under the .si top-level domain is obliged – in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions (GTC) for registration of domain names under the .si top-level domain – to ensure that the registration data is always accurate, complete and current, that the contact email is valid and that the domain holder has exclusive and direct access to it.

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Is your domain name under .si TRULY yours?

At Registry, we often hear this plea for help: “Hello, I’m John and I’m an entrepreneur. The guy who created my web page is blackmailing me. He’s asking for an exorbitant price for my domain name to be renewed. How can you help me?”

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Prolonged Redemption Grace Period for .si domains being extended to June 30th 2020

While the work of the .si Registry is going smoothly, we are aware that many are still facing great concerns. Therefore, we decided to extend some of the measures we adopted at the .si Registry at the end of March in order to facilitate the operations of registrars and domain name holders.

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COVID-19 – First weeks for Registry .si

Such massive consequences of the pandemic, were surely unexpected by most during the weeks, leading to the announcement of strict safety measures. Despite of this, Registry staff introduced several precautions. In accordance with our expectations, our systems turned out to be resilient and well planned.

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4th of April – Fifteen years of uninterrupted work of .si domain registration via registrars!

Once again, 4th of April has come an passed – an important date for Register .si. This year, this date marks 15-th anniversary of fundamental change of domain registration rules.

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Extending redemption grace period for expired domain names by March 23 2020

While we are making sure all processes of are running smoothly, we are also aware that current circumstances are affecting your business. Given that many domain holders are at this time facing great challenges, we are trying to come up with ways to aid you and them.

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Ensure undisturbed functioning of your websites and e-mail addresses under .si

Functioning of websites, e-mail addresses and other functionalities is, in these circumstances, surely even more important then usual.

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Peter Van Roste: If You want to regulate, You need to know the basics of the technology

Peter Van Roste, general manager of CENTR (Council of European National Top Level Domain Registries) spoke in Ljubljana on the matter of the inner workings of the world wide web and the different actors and communities that take care of different parts of the networks. He also warned about the innefective measure of DNS blocking and the problem of internet censorship.

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